Friday 30 May 2014

"How Microsoft has impacted your life and how you plan to bring a change to the society being a Microsoft Student Associate?"

'Microsoft'... when we take this name the first thing that strikes in everyone's mind is technology. It has deep impact on everyone's life.
When i was a kid, for me Microsoft is ms paint and games. Even i don't know how i have reached from ms paint to the OneDrive application of Microsoft. It is the magic of Microsoft that it has become a essential part of our life and we don't even know how.
Now as i mentioned the word technology, Microsoft has taken this word to different standards. Microsoft provides us the technology by which the world is able to work on computers, notebooks, ultra books even on the mobile phones.
Microsoft is an essential part of everyone's life, from a school going child to a professional and even for the people of old age.
In schools and colleges all kind of projects need applications of Microsoft such as ms powerpoint for the presentation. In every office computer is a necessity and to fulfill this Microsoft has its monopoly.
For old age people applications like Skype take them closer to their loved ones.

As a Microsoft Student Associate:-
I will make sure that i will be able to help each and every person who needs help from me regarding the latest technologies of Microsoft.
As a MSA, I will take it as my responsibility and I would be proud to be a representative of the name "Microsoft". And make everyone aware to know about the products which Microsoft is being providing us from decades.
I would like to thank Microsoft for such kind of program by which the students can work together with enthusiasm , share their knowledge & explore the technology.
Hopefully I will become a part of the prestige family of Microsoft by becoming a Microsoft Student Associate.

Thanking You,
Arun Mehndiratta